Austria’s capital city has once again completely impressed in the “Global Liveability Ranking” – Vienna once again came first out of 172 competitors.
When it comes to the points that count, Vienna always manages to score full marks. This year, for example, the British “Economist” once again named Vienna the most liveable city, rating stability, healthcare system, education and infrastructure.
A total of 172 cities underwent this evaluation. For the third time in a row, however, there was only room for Vienna in first place. Another major European city made it to second place. Copenhagen in Denmark came in ahead of Zurich and Melbourne.
Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) is delighted with the result. On the one hand, this is an award for the residents of the city, for the Viennese. Moreover, the result was no coincidence, but had come about “thanks to the hard-working people of Vienna”. He also saw it as recognition of the political decisions – because in order to receive such a rating, “the right political decisions” had to be made.
Not only the Viennese, the political decision-makers and the city’s employees could be pleased with the result: “It is also an award for the achievements of the City of Vienna and its employees. This is not only reflected in the everyday lives of the Viennese,” said Michael Ludwig in response to the vote.
The interplay of all these factors and people is the basis for Vienna’s excellent reputation at home and abroad.
Calgary, Sydney, Vancouver, Osaka and Oakland are at the bottom of the top ten.
- hp with reports from
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